Randomazer SV2020 Edition

by Thomas Ilg


Last edited on 18 Sep 2021 by ltk_tscc. See all edits


Swe - 14:51 22 August 2021 #

What is different in SV edition, compared to normal game?

Paulo_P - 18:09 22 August 2021 #

The winter theme graphics.

simoncam - 05:48 23 August 2021 #

... in addition to the graphics, there is also additional music (Christmas music as SV was originaly set in December)
And there are two new languages: Italian and Spanish.
And some additional tweaks and improvements. Most notably the player can lock the language selection and the game will alwais start with the same language.
Sorry, this was not shown in the game presentation.
Asside from the GFX/MSX all additions will become public in the "official" version soon.
(There are also 10 Additional levels made for SV2020 but these were published in December 2020 after cancelation of the original SV date)

dma - 15:12 23 August 2021 #

Glad to see that you were there in person Thomas! (saw you on the ceremony replay stream ;)

hylst - 21:31 23 August 2021 #

A cool game 😀