Assembloids Basic

by Steveboy

BASIC demake of Assembloids, which is another demake of the Flash game Quartet by Photonstorm.

On the "how to play" screen, move up+right (Joystick) to enter the cheat/trainer menu. In that menu you can move up+right again to reset the hiscore table.

Last edited on 3 Jan 2019 by tomaes. See all edits


tomaes - 17:17 16 August 2017 #

Great fun, especially for a Basic game. Here's my favourite glitch (there are many :D)

The game will crash after ca. 30 minutes being idle with an "out of memory" error(*). Just let the title screen/demo mode loop. It takes about 17 or so rounds to happen; There's also a glitch that kills your hiscore table. In that case, delete the hiscore file manually.

(*) It's a really puzzling error; there's nothing in the code that should cause it and I don't think it's an emulator bug either.

tomaes - 19:44 17 August 2017 #

(the code in general, btw, is a funky pile of "arrgg!", with WTF moments at every turn; at one point I was compiling a list of all the strange, broken and weird things I found. Dead sound code, ugly list protection, useless drive error handling, really bad & overly verbose if-cascades and ~2.5k worth of Hungarian REM statements. The one mystery bug I was looking after, I didn't find. It's something systemic inside the Basic interpreter. Perhaps some odd behavior that hasn't been documented yet anywhere. Maybe someone who's more bored & knowledgeable than I can take a look and find out. :)