Wedding Party 2013 - Results

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                             `&&.. "*&&&&&&*",,&&"###
                 WEDDING        "&&...    ,,,&&"  ###    Congratulations
                      PARTY        `&&.,,.&&'     |#|    to Mika & Satu!
                                     `&&&&                   - oasiz
                  R E S U L T S        `'
             ___ _____   ___ ______________ _____ ___ ___ __ _

    _    _
  .' '..' `.
  :  Demo  :
   `.    .'

            Place        Name                         Group
           '     `      '    `                       '     `

            1   -       NoCake                       Kewlers

            2   -       PsykoosiWPE                  iSO

            3   -       xoxo                         mov + norppa

      UNSORTED  |       Nameless kauhenen4 demo      astu

                |       experiment 8                 Jarno

                |       LONG MARRY EMPEROR           Jumalauta

                |       hääyöaie                     -

                |       tossun alla                  piraattitehdas

                |       hopm                         iSO

                |       finland's future             The Alberts

                |       best wishes                  visy

                |       Wedmo                        Arcane & T-101

                |       hiljainen ovikello           ricemunk

                |       goth wedtro                  fxm

    _    _
  .' '..' `.
  :  Wild  :
   `.    .'

            Place        Name                         Group
           '     `      '    `                       '     `

            1   -       Jagermeifter boms            mirrori

      UNSORTED  |       Megamies kertoo vitsin       megamies

                |       What people call success is  nosfe
                        only preparation for the
                        next failure

    _    _
  .' '..' `.
  :  Music :
   `.    .'

            Place        Name                         Group
           '     `      '    `                       '     `

            1   -       Demoscene, vodka and thesis  manual

      UNSORTED  |       wed                          ana
                |       Space Rocket                 teel
                |       viimeinen hidas              nosfe
                |       wedding march                Maila Nurmi / fecal faced martians

    _    _
  .' '..' `.
   `.    .'

            Place        Name                         Group
           '     `      '    `                       '     `

            1   -       Co-op                        Adellan
      UNSORTED  |       (a fucking long name)        nosfe
                |       photo.JPG

    _    _
  .' '..' `.
  : Voting :
   `.    .'

	        People voted just for the first position.
			Most of the UNSORTED entries had votes also.
			There were around 30 votes casted per compo.

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