Forndata X-Mas 2020 - Results

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                        f - o - r - n - d - a - t - a

 _ ___ _________________________________________________________________ ___ _
¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾[ fORNDATA x-MAS 2o2o cOMPO rESULTS ]¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
 - --- ----------------------------------------------------------------- --- -


    1.  #03   126 pts    Unrolled Long Division - Proton / Finnish Gold
    2.  #06   120 pts    Snowcial Distansing - flt
    3.  #05    84 pts    Tjacktomtens verkstad - Slaze
    4.  #02    81 pts    Serieus Xmas - RBBS
    5.  #01    76 pts    Jag såg mamma kyssa tomten - Båtsman / Latex
    6.  #07    47 pts    Christmas is here in 2020 - Magnar Arestad


    1.  #01   136 pts    Satan Claws - Slaze
    2.  #02    93 pts    X-mas Megamix - adkd
    3.  #03    87 pts    hey santa! squeeze your fat, white ass down that
                           chimney tonight ! - e!ghtbm

  C64 GFX

    1.  #01   177 pts    Buddies - The Sarge / Fairlight & Mikael / Pretzel
    2.  #03   146 pts    Detour - Lobo of Atlantis
    3.  #05   128 pts    Sad Old Santa - Honcho / Atlantis
    4.  #06    84 pts    Tree - Malmix / Fatzone
    5.  #02    83 pts    Merry disXmas - Logiker / VCC
    6.  #04    69 pts    Scary Xmas - Firelord / Excess


    1.  #02   126 pts    XMASsacre - Mop of Alcatraz
    2.  #01    91 pts    Jinglebells - Viljan


    1.  #02    90 pts    XMAS 2020: Fight da Corona Then Enjoy Life -
                           CoaXCable / CoolPHat ^ Hoodlum
    2.  #01    74 pts    mERRY fORNDATA x-MAS - FuZioN / NeoKorteX


    1.  #03   158 pts    Christmas Megademo - Sledge of displace - The
    2.  #05   106 pts    Hyperborea - Artline Design
    3.  #02    99 pts    I want to believe - Atlantis
    4.  #04    93 pts    XMAS 2020 - Censor Design
    5.  #07    91 pts    Xmas DEMO - Fatzone
    6.  #06    86 pts    Gl0ggdata - Genesis Project & HmF
    7.  #01    70 pts    Hö Hö Hö - HäRDCöRë MöFöKKäHZ


        53 votes were cast by 71 registered voters.

        Made possible by Wuhu -