Silly Venture 2000 - Results

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                        O F F I C I A L   R E S U L T S 

                        S I L E S I A N   V E N T U R E

               falcon demo competition [3 entries/all selected]:
   pos id  points  title                       author         country   
   01  03  134 pt  upside down ............... mystic bytes   poland
   02  02  126 pt  hardcore .................. mind design    sweden 
   03  01  067 pt  sacrifice ................. pandemonium    poland   

                  st demo competition [1 entry/behind compo]:
   pos id  points  title                       author         country
   01  01  xxx pt  tut! ...................... wildfire       sweden

                      atari 4ktro competition [2 entries]:
   pos id  points  title                       author         country
   01  01  076 pt  the sierpinski overdose ... kua software   greece 
   02  02  060 pt  illness at night .......... paranoid       germany

                    atari st 16col competition [8 entries]: 
   pos id  points  title                       author         country
   01  05  157 pt  nastro .................... havoc          holland 
   02  04  131 pt  kawaii .................... edo            france 
   03  03  108 pt  rip ....................... cosmosh        france
   04  07  102 pt  stsshit ................... sts            france
   05  02  091 pt  alien ..................... berserker      england
   06  06  085 pt  popart .................... spiny          england
   07  08  081 pt  kympoo .................... vulgar         poland
   08  01  055 pt  pc ........................ adamsky        poland     

                   atari st YM music competition [6 entries]: 
   pos id  points  title                       author         country
   01  04  121 pt  suger fett ................ viking         sweden 
   02  03  116 pt  sillyshuffle .............. tao            germany 
   03  02  114 pt  huzt ...................... 505            germany   
   04  01  076 pt  rays of neon .............. mc laser       germany
   05  06  068 pt  YM rocker ................. milhouse       germany
   06  05  057 pt  beaucoup sun .............. milhouse       germany

                        4chn msx competition [5 entries]:
   pos id  points  title                       author         country
   01  02  106 pt  discovery ................. 505            germany
   02  04  074 pt  secret land ............... seabrush       poland
   03  05  062 pt  no way .................... d-force        holland
   04  03  049 pt  houssing .................. d-force        holland
   05  01  043 pt  1.2.3 ..................... adamsky        poland  

                    multichannel msx competition [4 entries]:
   pos id  points  title                       author         country
   01  01  110 pt  stupid tysk-ie ............ 505            germany 
   02  02  104 pt  global x .................. mr future      sweden
   03  04  087 pt  call me ................... adamsky        poland
   04  03  066 pt  C4 EXplosive .............. d-force        holland

                        ascii-art competition [4 entries]:
   pos id  points  title                       author         country
   01  01  073 pt  svlogo .................... riven          poland
   02  03  061 pt  svlogo .................... mc laser       germany  
   03  04  056 pt  svlogo .................... taz            poland
   04  02  046 pt  svlogo .................... bull           poland

                          wild competition [5 entries]: 
   pos id  points  title                       author         country
   01  03  049 pt  warning ................... spice boys     sweden          
   02  04  047 pt  havoc's VHS ............... havoc          holland
   03  01  043 pt  lowlif3.gt2 ............... d-force        holland
   04  05  042 pt  d-force's VHS ............. d-force        holland
   05  02  037 pt  atari_8.xm ................ vlx^seabrush   poland 

                  atari 8-bit pokey msx competition [3 entries]:
   pos id  points  title                       author         country
   01  02  106 pt  sej-mik ................... seabrush^miker poland 
   02  01  103 pt  dupa ...................... 505            germany 
   03  03  076 pt  sleepy passage ............ miker          poland