
From the MiniGame website;

Very simple collecting game without a real challenge. Some more and faster hunting baddies would have helped here. / thrust26

Fun game. Reminds me of Crystal Quest. / Zach

Nice implementation ! / Euphoric

An idea for more variation: make it possible to trick the arachnid into getting stuck in the insecticides for a few seconds. Needs more delay between losing a life and the start of next, perhaps also sound.
/ Carlsson

Pretty funny game, I like it! / Cybergoth

Nice graphics; no sound! Too easy...and doesn't get much harder. / vdub_bobby

The gameplay really didn't grab me at all here, and the look is very spartan even by 1K game standards. A slightly more active enemy might help as the only chance it has of catching you is if the random start puts you very close to it. / Matt_B

Last edited on 28 Jan 2019 by menace. See all edits