Lot-Lot 6

by Crusaders

Release date is an estimate.

Contains the programs SuperView V 3.1 (02-21-91) by David Grothe, ViewDir (April 1990) by Jim Butterfield, LightFileSystem (LFS) by Markku Vähäaho and Terje Bergström, LightMore 1.04, LightCopy 2.04, LightConv. 1.25, LightPack 1.5, ProKiller V.103 by MV / Lightning Inc, Avatris (game), Mostra IFF Viewer V1.04 (1991) by Sebastiano Vigna, Popup V1.0 by Michael S. Booth, FontGlue 1.0 (1991) by Jan-Ivar Buaroy, Next Windows 0.91.

Last edited on 20 Apr 2021 by menace. See all edits

1 comment

menace - 17:41 15 February 2020 #

Another pack returns from the dead, as we dig into our archives. To our knowledge, never on the internet until today.