

(c64/.at) - HCE, Hurricane

Hurrican was an Austrian and German c64 group, formed by former members of Leaders in late 1989. The original memberlist included Mordlord, Shark, Phoenix and Robocop.

Mamba 1 (october 1989) Reported Flash left the group - though we have not been able to find anyone by that name associated with the group.

In 1990, Mordlord sells his c64 for an Amiga and starts Home Boys on that machine. Hurrican made its last releases in 1991.1

  1. According to (retrieved in 2017). 

Productions (19)

Commodore 64 - Diskmag
Hurrican Mar 1991
Commodore 64 - Diskmag
Hurrican 1991
Commodore 64 - Demo
Hurrican and Vertical Aug 1990
Commodore 64 - Demo
Hurrican Apr 1990
Commodore 64 - Demo
Hurrican Apr 1990
Commodore 64 - Demo
Hurrican and Steel Mar 1990
Commodore 64 - Demo
Hurrican Mar 1990
Commodore 64 - Demo
Hurrican Feb 1990
Commodore 64 - Demo
Hurrican Jan 1990
Commodore 64 - Intro
Hurrican 1990
Commodore 64 - Diskmag
Hurrican 1990
Commodore 64 - Demo
Hurrican Oct 1989
Commodore 64 - Diskmag
Hurrican Sep 1989
Commodore 64 - Demo
Hurrican Jun 1989
Commodore 64 - Demo
Hurrican 1989
Commodore 64 - Demo
Hurrican 1989
Commodore 64 - Diskmag
Hurrican 1989
Commodore 64 - Diskmag
Hurrican 1989
Commodore 64 - Diskmag
Dualis and Hurrican 1989

Last edited on 19 May 2024 by psenough. See all edits