Saturne Party 1996 (III) - Results

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Saturne 96 : Results - FINAL

        620*60frs=37200frs of prices.

        1st place = 3 pts
        2nd       = 2 pts
        3rd       = 1 pts

        1 - FBY/Soft One               Under the sea            1000frs
        2 - Thug/MG Design             Killing Party             700frs
        3 - Cash/Mentasm               Plugged in                500frs
        4 - Evelred/Capsule & TLOTB    ?
        5 - unny/Movement              Four People
        6 - HP/Honoo                   Love in lost jungle
        7 - Oxbow/Scoopex              Urban Jungle
        8 - Twice & Phase/Agoa         I give it up, too hard 4 me
        9 - Snes/Playmobil             Sound of S.A.
       10 - Theo/MG Design             Fly over the sea
       11 - Blue Dreamer/Acid Dream    Trip out
       12 - Clo!/Honoo                 No sense
       13 - Unison/Pychotrope          Perk!uchione love
       14 - Alexel/Distorsion          Cold sensation
            Hornet/Edena               Highway Jamn
       16 - Hardfire/NGC & Intense     Plastic Ruby
       17 - Flip/Earthlore             Fil 246
       18 - Doh/DreamDealers           Oktafink Yannick
       19 - Yonder/Mambo               Smoke 2 smoke
       20 - Patriot/Scoopex            Egometriosporax
       21 - Gandbox/Solaris            Lumbag Greko
       22 - Shout/DreamDealers         Hyperparathyroidal
       23 - Ghost fellow/MWB           N.A.C.
       24 - Nasty Boy/Sol. & Codac/SDM Milo Mistake
       25 - Nicolas                    vq3r[v

        1 - Tenshu/Syndrome            Oxi j'aime pas           1000frs
        2 - Made/Bomb                  Nevin                     750frs
        3 - HP/Honoo                   Sweet Home                500frs
        4 - Zebig & Suny/Speed         Fuck made
        5 - Moxica/Osmose              Land of Tunhuang          8)))
        6 - Greg/Arkham                Dead end Chun-li
        7 - Macre/Skarla               Ladies
        8 - Ben.E/Illusion             Bene Bsewest
        9 - Bad/Arkham                 Miyuki
       10 - Bisounours/Tiny Toons      Ascii
       11 - Trash/Earthlore            Bainz
       12 - Black Dragon/Honoo         Mamono Hunter Yonko
            Gelmir                     Dana Scully
            Zaac/Pychotrope            Janet
       15 - Mr.Splif                   ?
       16 - Titan/Bomb                 Hodge
            Thug/MG Design             Wild Dreams
            Twix/Fatal Design          Chasse
       19 - Evil Maniac/Fatal Justice  Stephanie
            Ra/NoooN                   No Name
            Kan/Arkham                 Tengoku
            Drebin/DreamDealers        My Rolex

        1 - Eagle/Agoa & Pychotrope & Honoo ?                           169pts  2000frs
        2 - Doh/DRD                         De l'art de passer...        98pts  1000frs
        3 - Golmon Design                   ?                            91pts   500frs
        4 - Hoodlum                         Cybernet                     75pts
        5 - Image par image                 Amiga go                     64pts
        6 - Jeffrey                         Nine                         50pts
        7 - TRSI Recordz                    State of the art 2           48pts
        8 - ?                               ?                            47pts
        9 - ?                               ?                            39pts
       10 - Melting pot                     ?                            38pts
       11 - Nuku-Nuku & Nat!                Do PC' fly?                  30pts
       12 - Mentasm                         Volcanic Party 2             26pts
       13 - Entreprise                      ?                            25pts
       14 - Brando Prods                    Dolphins Music               23pts
       15 - Scarface                        Kick Boxer                   18pts
       16 - ?                               ?                            14pts
       17 - ?                               ?                             6pts
       18 - ?                               ?                             2pts

Intro PC
        1 - Eclipse                    Teddy bear               734pts  2000frs
        2 - Olympus & Realtech         Nop                      567pts  1000frs
        3 - Kloon                      Pressure                 217pts   500frs
        4 - Funk                       The whirl                133pts
        5 - Dentifrice                 Bomberman attitude       121pts
        6 - Analog                     Al song                   75pts

Intro Amiga
        1 - Abyss                      Little floove            550pts  2000frs
        2 - Les Shadock                Introga                  386pts  1000frs
        3 - Universe                   Myst                     240pts   500frs
        4 - Agoa                       Annonce                  231pts

Demo Amiga
        1 - Skarla                     Atome                    341pts  6000frs
        2 - MG Design                  Dimension (preview)      318pts  3000frs
        3 - Syndrome                   BornDead                 215pts  2000frs
        4 - Syndrome                   2nd World                180pts
        5 - Gods                       Worlds                   147pts
        6 - Abyss                      Vertigo                  107pts
        7 - Melting Pot                Fade                      83pts
        8 - Solari & Syndrome          Heart light               63pts
        9 - Hardwiresd                 Frontier                  24pts
       10 - Smellon Design             Elyts Deppir              21pts

Demo PC
        1 - Oxygene                    Contrast                 510pts  6000frs
        2 - Impact Studio              Bomb                     391pts  3000frs
        3 - Aegis Corp.                Chapi Chapo              270pts  2000frs
        4 - Igloo                      Flirt                    130pts
        5 - Flower Corp.               Orion                    90pts
        6 - MWB                        Andempti                 70pts
        7 - The lords of the bits      Geminis                  36pts
        8 - Asylum                     Bitch!                   31pts
        9 - Arkham                     Demo 7                   30pts
       10 - Inside                     Final trip               14pts

Fast compo
PC breaking: Smagrot/Melting Pot
Sensible soccer: Karm/Melting Pot