Edit history for Racing Destruction Set by Eagle Soft Incorporated

2019-06-10 08:00:28 menace Set author to 'Eagle Soft Incorporated', release date to 1985
2019-06-10 08:00:06 menace Added link http://csdb.dk/getinternalfile.php/13273/RACING DESTRUCTION SET3.D64
2019-06-10 07:59:36 menace Added links: http://csdb.dk/getinternalfile.php/13271/RACING DESTRUCTION SET1.D64, http://csdb.dk/getinternalfile.php/13272/RACING DESTRUCTION SET2.D64, http://csdb.dk/getinternalfile.php/13271/RACING DESTRUCTION SET1.D64
2019-06-10 07:58:31 menace Added link http://csdb.dk/release/?id=21845
2019-06-10 07:58:23 menace Added 2 screenshots
2019-06-10 07:58:11 menace Added production 'Racing Destruction Set'