Edit history for X-Traction 1 by Danish Cracking Crew

2023-08-05 07:26:19 menace Updated The E-Coli's credit on X-Traction 1: Code, Text, Graphics (design)
2023-08-05 07:26:13 menace Updated Dragon's credit on X-Traction 1: Text, Graphics (design)
2023-08-05 07:25:56 menace Updated The E-Coli's credit on X-Traction 1: Code, Text
2023-08-05 07:25:39 menace Added credit for Fred Gray on X-Traction 1: Music
2023-08-05 07:25:34 menace Edited soundtrack details for X-Traction 1
2023-08-05 07:24:42 menace Edited notes
2023-08-05 07:24:21 menace Set release date to 2 May 1987
2023-08-05 07:23:57 menace Added credit for E-Coli on X-Traction 1: Text
2023-08-05 07:23:22 menace Updated Dragon's credit on X-Traction 1: Text
2023-08-05 07:23:17 menace Added credit for Dragon on X-Traction 1: Code
2023-08-05 07:23:03 menace Added screenshot
2023-08-05 07:22:09 menace Added info file
2023-08-05 07:22:03 menace Deleted info file scrolltext.txt
2023-08-05 07:20:47 menace Added info file
2023-08-05 07:17:30 menace Edited notes
2023-08-05 07:17:11 menace Updated link https://csdb.dk/getinternalfile.php/96437/Danish Cracking Crew - X-Traction 1.d64
2023-08-05 07:17:05 menace Added link https://csdb.dk/release/?id=98922
2023-08-05 07:16:59 menace Added production 'X-Traction 1'