Edit history for Megafonts Compil 09 by Zuul

2024-02-06 09:40:22 Megachur Added credit for Mad Max on Megafonts Compil 09: Music
2024-02-06 09:40:07 Megachur Added credit for Nikademus on Megafonts Compil 09: Code
2020-11-13 18:53:14 ltk_tscc Set title to 'Megafonts Compil 09'
2014-12-31 09:41:25 ltk_tscc Added screenshot
2014-11-23 11:13:26 ltk_tscc Added link http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=52769
2013-12-03 18:11:02 ltk_tscc Set author to 'Zuul'
2013-07-06 17:18:00 ltk_tscc Added production 'Megafonts compil 09'