Edit history for Menu 04 Intro by The Revolution

2020-11-13 17:46:46 ltk_tscc Set title to 'Menu 04 Intro'
2019-12-26 17:06:16 mr.sam Added credit for David Whittaker on Menu 04 intro: Music (tune #3)
2019-12-26 17:05:57 mr.sam Edited soundtrack details for Menu 04 intro
2019-12-22 15:25:12 ltk_tscc Set author to 'the Revolution'
2019-12-18 20:50:39 RetroPlayThrus Added link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLTQPaPKYhM
2019-12-18 20:50:01 RetroPlayThrus Added info file
2019-12-18 20:47:57 RetroPlayThrus Added credit for Hoskas on Menu 04 intro: Code
2015-04-02 11:46:41 ltk_tscc Added link http://stonish.net/Revolution-127#st4
2013-11-26 19:08:30 ltk_tscc Added screenshot
2013-11-26 19:08:24 ltk_tscc Added production 'Menu 04 intro'