Edit history for WOOP WOOP! by Genius

2023-12-19 17:42:34 ltk_tscc Added link https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=65079
2023-05-13 07:23:38 sensenstahl Added link https://files.scene.org/view/parties/2013/1991party13/pc_demo/johnbruin_net_1991demo.zip
2019-12-30 15:51:36 Brittle Set type to Demo
2019-12-30 15:51:14 Brittle Set platforms to Browser, Javascript
2019-12-30 14:42:37 Brittle Set author to 'Genius'
2019-12-30 14:41:07 Brittle Added link http://johnbruin.net/1991demo/
2013-12-01 14:19:54 menace Updated competition placing info for WOOP WOOP! in 1991 Party 2013 PC/Wild competition
2013-12-01 14:19:52 menace Added competition placing for WOOP WOOP! in 1991 Party 2013 PC/Wild competition