
Search filtering options

  • cocio type:music - restrict search results to a specific type. Recognised types are production, music, graphics, scener, group, party, bbs or any production type, e.g. type:"64K Intro"
  • deus on:"Commodore 64" or deus platform:"Commodore 64" - search releases on a specific platform
  • horse by:farbrausch or horse author:farbrausch - search releases by a specific author
  • smash of:flt - search members of a specific group
  • rob group:aardbei - search members and releases of a specific group
  • heart [scene-poetry] or heart tagged:scene-poetry - search releases with a specific tag
  • inercia year:2005 or inercia date:"09/2005" - search releases and parties from a specific date
  • raytracing before:"july 1991" - search releases and parties before the given date (exclusive)
  • raytracing until:"july 1991" - search releases and parties before the given date (inclusive)
  • shadebob after:"1 jan 2019" - search releases and parties after the given date (exclusive)
  • shadebob since:"1 jan 2019" - search releases and parties after the given date (inclusive)
  • vallejo screenshots:yes or vallejo screenshots:no - search for releases with or without screenshots