Edit history for The Programmer's Place

2025-02-05 22:07:17 ipggi Set promoted in to Alive Art Pack 01/1994, Alive Art Pack 04/1994, Alive Art Pack 05/1994, Corpse #1
2023-04-16 15:41:08 menace Added tag 'artboard'
2023-04-16 15:40:35 menace Edited notes
2023-04-15 18:10:40 menace Set promoted in to Alive Art Pack 01/1994, Alive Art Pack 04/1994, Alive Art Pack 05/1994
2023-04-11 06:37:53 menace Set promoted in to Alive Art Pack 01/1994, Alive Art Pack 04/1994
2023-04-09 09:41:50 menace Set promoted in to Alive Art Pack 01/1994
2023-02-03 10:40:23 ipggi Added link https://16colo.rs/tags/content/the+programmers+place
2023-02-03 10:39:57 ipggi Added text ad
2023-01-08 08:58:34 menace Added tag 'bbs-pc'
2023-01-08 08:58:20 menace Edited notes
2023-01-08 08:58:03 menace Set location to City of Sacramento, california
2023-01-08 08:57:51 menace Set location to city of Sacramento
2023-01-06 06:16:19 ipggi Added BBS The Programmer's Place as Memberboard for ALiVE
2023-01-06 06:16:05 ipggi Added ByteMan as staff member of The Programmer's Place
2023-01-06 06:15:48 ipggi Edited notes
2023-01-06 06:15:30 ipggi Added BBS 'The Programmer's Place'