Edit history for Chains of Insanity

2024-07-04 09:20:33 100bit Added Identity Crisis as staff member of Chains of Insanity
2024-07-04 09:16:42 100bit Edited notes
2024-07-04 09:16:38 100bit Updated Night Breed as staff member of Chains of Insanity: changed role to co-sysop
2024-07-04 09:16:09 100bit Added tag 'bbs-pc'
2024-07-04 09:16:06 100bit Set promoted in to Chains Of Insanity BBS
2024-07-04 09:15:40 100bit Added Brainz as staff member of Chains of Insanity
2024-07-04 09:15:31 100bit Added Night Breed as staff member of Chains of Insanity
2024-07-04 09:15:23 100bit Added BBS 'Chains of Insanity'