Edit history for Forbidden Planet

2025-01-08 08:11:17 dipswitch Set promoted in to Crunch-O-Matic 1.0, Descriptor, Exorcist! v1.3, For The First Time In Human History... An Intro!, Forbidden Planet BBS Info Intro, Hei, Onkel Reinsdyr, er du helt klin kokos?!, In Contrast of Sin, Paid in Full, Raw, SAD-LastCallers v1.0, Scene Talk #7, T-List: Elite Trader List 15, Trouble, World Elite Board List October 1994, Suomi Finland Perkele
2023-06-21 05:56:47 menace Set promoted in to Crunch-O-Matic 1.0, Descriptor, Exorcist! v1.3, For The First Time In Human History... An Intro!, Forbidden Planet BBS Info Intro, Hei, Onkel Reinsdyr, er du helt klin kokos?!, In Contrast of Sin, Paid in Full, SAD-LastCallers v1.0, Scene Talk 7, T-List: Elite Trader List 15, Trouble, World Elite Board List October 1994, Raw
2023-06-21 05:56:39 menace Edited notes
2023-05-30 23:18:23 dipswitch Set promoted in to Crunch-O-Matic 1.0, Descriptor, Exorcist! v1.3, For The First Time In Human History... An Intro!, Forbidden Planet BBS Info Intro, Hei, Onkel Reinsdyr, er du helt klin kokos?!, In Contrast of Sin, Paid in Full, SAD-LastCallers v1.0, T-List: Elite Trader List 15, Trouble, World Elite Board List October 1994, Scene Talk 7
2022-11-17 00:51:31 dipswitch Set promoted in to Crunch-O-Matic 1.0, Descriptor, Exorcist! v1.3, For The First Time In Human History... An Intro!, Forbidden Planet BBS Info Intro, Hei, Onkel Reinsdyr, er du helt klin kokos?!, In Contrast of Sin, Paid in Full, T-List: Elite Trader List 15, Trouble, World Elite Board List October 1994, SAD-LastCallers v1.0
2022-10-18 23:51:33 dipswitch Added BBS Forbidden Planet as HQ for Eclipse
2022-10-18 23:51:25 dipswitch Set promoted in to Crunch-O-Matic 1.0, Descriptor, For The First Time In Human History... An Intro!, Forbidden Planet BBS Info Intro, Hei, Onkel Reinsdyr, er du helt klin kokos?!, In Contrast of Sin, Paid in Full, T-List: Elite Trader List 15, Trouble, World Elite Board List October 1994, Exorcist! v1.3
2022-10-08 01:30:51 100bit Set promoted in to Crunch-O-Matic 1.0, Descriptor, For The First Time In Human History... An Intro!, Forbidden Planet BBS Info Intro, Hei, Onkel Reinsdyr, er du helt klin kokos?!, In Contrast of Sin, T-List: Elite Trader List 15, Trouble, World Elite Board List October 1994, Paid in Full
2022-10-08 01:25:50 100bit Edited notes
2022-10-08 01:23:28 100bit Added BBS Forbidden Planet as HQ for Mystic
2022-10-08 01:23:13 100bit Set alternative names to Crack House
2022-10-08 01:22:45 100bit Updated link http://janeway.exotica.org.uk/author.php?id=51846
2022-10-08 01:22:11 100bit Added link http://janeway.exotica.org.uk/author.php?id=51862
2022-09-20 16:04:23 dipswitch Set promoted in to Crunch-O-Matic 1.0, Descriptor, For The First Time In Human History... An Intro!, Forbidden Planet BBS Info Intro, Hei, Onkel Reinsdyr, er du helt klin kokos?!, In Contrast of Sin, T-List: Elite Trader List 15, Trouble, World Elite Board List October 1994
2022-06-10 00:37:48 dipswitch Set promoted in to Crunch-O-Matic 1.0, Descriptor, For The First Time In Human History... An Intro!, Forbidden Planet BBS Info Intro, Hei, Onkel Reinsdyr, er du helt klin kokos?!, In Contrast of Sin, T-List: Elite Trader List 15, Trouble
2022-01-05 03:02:08 dipswitch Set promoted in to Crunch-O-Matic 1.0, For The First Time In Human History... An Intro!, Forbidden Planet BBS Info Intro, Hei, Onkel Reinsdyr, er du helt klin kokos?!, In Contrast of Sin, T-List: Elite Trader List 15, Descriptor
2021-11-13 23:11:08 dipswitch Set promoted in to Crunch-O-Matic 1.0, For The First Time In Human History... An Intro!, Forbidden Planet BBS Info Intro, Hei, Onkel Reinsdyr, er du helt klin kokos?!, In Contrast of Sin, T-List: Elite Trader List 15
2021-11-08 12:17:19 dipswitch Set location to dublin
2021-11-08 12:15:19 dipswitch Edited notes
2021-11-08 12:15:00 dipswitch Set promoted in to Crunch-O-Matic 1.0, For The First Time In Human History... An Intro!, Forbidden Planet BBS Info Intro, Hei, Onkel Reinsdyr, er du helt klin kokos?!, In Contrast of Sin
2021-10-30 16:42:59 menace Set promoted in to For The First Time In Human History... An Intro!, Forbidden Planet BBS Info Intro, Hei, Onkel Reinsdyr, er du helt klin kokos?!, Crunch-O-Matic 1.0
2021-06-02 06:00:51 menace Set BBStros to For The First Time In Human History... An Intro!, Hei, Onkel Reinsdyr, er du helt klin kokos?!, Forbidden Planet BBS Info Intro
2021-06-02 06:00:13 menace Added BBS Forbidden Planet as HQ for Submission
2021-06-02 05:59:09 menace Set BBStros to Hei, Onkel Reinsdyr, er du helt klin kokos?!, For The First Time In Human History... An Intro!
2021-05-02 19:36:53 menace Added BBS Forbidden Planet as HQ for Alpha Flight
2021-05-02 19:36:47 menace Set BBStros to Hei, Onkel Reinsdyr, er du helt klin kokos?!
2021-04-17 17:09:01 dipswitch Added tag 'bbs-amiga'
2021-02-12 06:51:21 menace Edited notes
2021-02-12 06:50:54 menace Added affiliation with BBS Forbidden Planet for 2000 A.D.
2021-02-12 06:50:48 menace Edited notes
2021-02-12 06:50:08 menace Added affiliation with BBS Forbidden Planet for Sceptic
2021-02-12 06:50:01 menace Added Green Beret as staff member of Forbidden Planet
2021-02-12 06:49:48 menace Added BBS 'Forbidden Planet'