Edit history for Sado City

2024-09-12 00:20:11 dipswitch Set promoted in to Best Boards in Germany Issue #1, Black Crypt, Boppin, CD Player 2, Civilization 100%, Crimetime, Emmanuelle, The Four Crystals of Trazere, John Madden Football, LZXStrip v1.02, Obitus BBS-Demo, Road Runner's Death Valley Rally, Voyage, Whizz ECS +7, World Elite Board List October 1994, World Elite v1.0, Trader News 2/93
2024-07-29 10:19:02 menace Set promoted in to Best Boards in Germany Issue #1, Black Crypt, CD Player 2, Civilization 100%, Crimetime, Emmanuelle, The Four Crystals of Trazere, John Madden Football, LZXStrip v1.02, Obitus BBS-Demo, Road Runner's Death Valley Rally, Voyage, Whizz ECS +7, World Elite Board List October 1994, World Elite v1.0, Boppin
2023-09-03 21:52:25 menace Set promoted in to Best Boards in Germany Issue #1, Black Crypt, CD Player 2, Civilization 100%, Crimetime, Emmanuelle, John Madden Football, LZXStrip v1.02, Obitus BBS-Demo, Road Runner's Death Valley Rally, Voyage, Whizz ECS +7, World Elite Board List October 1994, World Elite v1.0, The Four Crystals of Trazere
2022-12-06 21:06:55 menace Set promoted in to Best Boards in Germany Issue #1, Black Crypt, CD Player 2, Civilization 100%, Crimetime, Emmanuelle, John Madden Football, LZXStrip v1.02, Obitus BBS-Demo, Road Runner's Death Valley Rally, Voyage, Whizz ECS +7, World Elite Board List October 1994, World Elite v1.0, CD Player 2
2022-12-06 21:05:56 menace Updated Vogue's affiliation with Sado City: changed role to HQ
2022-12-06 21:05:18 menace Set promoted in to Best Boards in Germany Issue #1, Black Crypt, Civilization 100%, Crimetime, Emmanuelle, John Madden Football, LZXStrip v1.02, Obitus BBS-Demo, Road Runner's Death Valley Rally, Voyage, Whizz ECS +7, World Elite Board List October 1994, World Elite v1.0, CD Player 2
2022-11-06 10:55:04 menace Set promoted in to Best Boards in Germany Issue #1, Black Crypt, Civilization 100%, Crimetime, John Madden Football, LZXStrip v1.02, Obitus BBS-Demo, Road Runner's Death Valley Rally, Voyage, Whizz ECS +7, World Elite Board List October 1994, World Elite v1.0, Emmanuelle
2022-09-12 23:58:00 dipswitch Set promoted in to Best Boards in Germany Issue #1, Black Crypt, Civilization 100%, Crimetime, John Madden Football, LZXStrip v1.02, Obitus BBS-Demo, Road Runner's Death Valley Rally, Voyage, Whizz ECS +7, World Elite v1.0, World Elite Board List October 1994
2022-06-27 15:19:43 dipswitch Added affiliation with BBS Sado City for Interpol
2022-06-27 15:19:36 dipswitch Set promoted in to Best Boards in Germany Issue #1, Black Crypt, Civilization 100%, Crimetime, John Madden Football, LZXStrip v1.02, Obitus BBS-Demo, Road Runner's Death Valley Rally, Voyage, Whizz ECS +7, World Elite v1.0
2022-06-03 01:19:32 dipswitch Set promoted in to Black Crypt, Civilization 100%, Crimetime, John Madden Football, LZXStrip v1.02, Obitus BBS-Demo, Road Runner's Death Valley Rally, Voyage, Whizz ECS +7, Best Boards in Germany Issue #1
2022-04-10 21:33:39 menace Set promoted in to Black Crypt, Civilization 100%, Crimetime, John Madden Football, Obitus BBS-Demo, Road Runner's Death Valley Rally, Voyage, Whizz ECS +7, LZXStrip v1.02
2021-08-22 08:45:36 menace Set promoted in to Black Crypt, Civilization 100%, Crimetime, John Madden Football, Obitus BBS-Demo, Voyage, Whizz ECS +7, Road Runner's Death Valley Rally
2021-08-10 13:02:15 menace Updated Advanced Chemistry's affiliation with Sado City: changed role to WHQ
2021-08-10 13:02:05 menace Added affiliation with BBS Sado City for Advanced Chemistry
2021-08-10 13:01:44 menace Set promoted in to Black Crypt, Civilization 100%, Crimetime, John Madden Football, Obitus BBS-Demo, Voyage, Whizz ECS +7
2021-06-12 08:55:23 menace Added BBS Sado City as HQ for Magical
2021-04-28 18:02:49 dipswitch Added tag 'bbs-console'
2021-04-28 18:02:47 dipswitch Added tag 'bbs-amiga'
2021-04-28 18:02:29 dipswitch Added Enforcer as staff member of Sado City
2021-04-28 18:02:18 dipswitch Added TCM as staff member of Sado City
2021-04-28 18:02:08 dipswitch Added text ad
2021-04-28 18:01:21 dipswitch Set location to stuttgart
2021-04-28 18:01:15 dipswitch Edited notes
2021-04-28 18:01:02 dipswitch Updated Nemesis's affiliation with Sado City: changed role to HQ
2021-02-15 15:58:36 menace Added affiliation with BBS Sado City for Vogue
2021-02-15 15:58:30 menace Set BBStros to Black Crypt, Civilization 100%, Crimetime, John Madden Football, Voyage, Obitus BBS-Demo
2021-02-15 15:57:33 menace Added affiliation with BBS Sado City for Conspiracy
2021-02-15 15:57:22 menace Set BBStros to Civilization 100%, Crimetime, John Madden Football, Voyage, Black Crypt
2021-02-15 15:56:17 menace Added affiliation with BBS Sado City for Atlantis
2021-02-15 15:56:06 menace Set BBStros to Civilization 100%, Crimetime, Voyage, John Madden Football
2021-02-15 15:55:27 menace Added affiliation with BBS Sado City for Nemesis
2021-02-15 15:54:45 menace Set BBStros to Crimetime, Voyage, Civilization 100%
2021-02-15 15:52:50 menace Edited notes
2021-02-15 15:01:43 menace Added affiliation with BBS Sado City for Razor 1911
2021-02-15 15:01:41 menace Added affiliation with BBS Sado City for Classic
2021-02-15 15:01:37 menace Set BBStros to Crimetime, Voyage
2021-02-15 15:00:49 menace Set BBStros to Crimetime
2021-02-15 15:00:18 menace Added Joker as staff member of Sado City
2021-02-15 14:59:58 menace Added BBS 'Sado City'