Edit history for Alcatraz (217)

2024-12-19 23:35:21 ipggi Set promoted in to Alcatraz BBS (1a), Alcatraz BBS (1b), Alcatraz BBS (1c), Alcatraz BBS (3a), Alcatraz BBS (3b), Alcatraz BBS (3c), Alcatraz BBS (11), National Pirate List Sixth Edition, NTA Boards, Public Enemy Boards (1c), TSAN Newsletter #1
2024-12-19 23:35:03 ipggi Updated The SysOp Association Network's affiliation with Alcatraz (217): changed role to Memberboard
2024-11-16 21:27:38 ipggi Added BBS Alcatraz (217) as Memberboard for Nokturnal Trading Alliance
2024-11-16 21:27:25 ipggi Set promoted in to Alcatraz BBS (1a), Alcatraz BBS (1b), Alcatraz BBS (1c), Alcatraz BBS (3a), Alcatraz BBS (3b), Alcatraz BBS (3c), Alcatraz BBS (11), National Pirate List Sixth Edition, Public Enemy Boards (1c), NTA Boards
2024-09-23 00:49:13 dipswitch Set promoted in to Alcatraz BBS (1a), Alcatraz BBS (1b), Alcatraz BBS (1c), Alcatraz BBS (3a), Alcatraz BBS (3b), Alcatraz BBS (3c), Alcatraz BBS (11), National Pirate List Sixth Edition, Public Enemy Boards (1c)
2024-09-23 00:49:06 dipswitch Added affiliation with BBS Alcatraz (217) for Public Enemy
2024-07-06 12:26:51 menace Added affiliation with BBS Alcatraz (217) for The SysOp Association Network
2024-07-06 12:23:52 menace Set promoted in to Alcatraz BBS (1a), Alcatraz BBS (1b), Alcatraz BBS (1c), Alcatraz BBS (3a), Alcatraz BBS (3b), Alcatraz BBS (3c), Alcatraz BBS (11), National Pirate List Sixth Edition
2024-07-06 12:23:39 menace Added tag 'pcboard'
2022-02-16 09:54:18 dipswitch Added tag 'hpav'
2022-02-16 09:54:15 dipswitch Added tag 'bbs-nonpublic'
2022-02-16 09:53:46 dipswitch Added tag 'bbs-pc'
2021-11-04 22:18:04 dipswitch Set location to champaign, Champaign County, Illinois, United States
2021-11-04 22:17:49 dipswitch Set location to champaign, Illinois, United States
2021-06-03 12:58:03 sensenstahl Set BBStros to Alcatraz BBS (3a), Alcatraz BBS (3b), Alcatraz BBS (3c), Alcatraz BBS (11), Alcatraz BBS (1a), Alcatraz BBS (1b), Alcatraz BBS (1c)
2021-06-03 10:05:33 sensenstahl Set BBStros to Alcatraz BBS (11), Alcatraz BBS (3a), Alcatraz BBS (3b), Alcatraz BBS (3c)
2021-02-26 00:11:21 dipswitch Added BBS Alcatraz (217) as WHQ for National Pirates Exchange
2021-02-26 00:10:57 dipswitch Updated Black Guardian as staff member of Alcatraz (217): changed staff member to Black Guardian
2021-02-26 00:10:43 dipswitch Added Black Guardian as staff member of Alcatraz (217)
2021-02-26 00:10:31 dipswitch Set BBStros to Alcatraz BBS (11)
2021-02-26 00:10:22 dipswitch Edited notes
2021-02-26 00:10:11 dipswitch Added BBS 'Alcatraz (217)'