Edit history for The Ghetto (914)

2025-01-30 23:11:54 ipggi Added BBS The Ghetto (914) as HQ for UNiTY
2025-01-15 00:36:36 ipggi Added BBS The Ghetto (914) as Distsite for Edge
2025-01-12 00:37:09 ipggi Added BBS The Ghetto (914) as Distsite for Nexus
2023-01-02 22:04:12 ipggi Added link https://16colo.rs/tags/content/the+ghetto
2022-06-07 13:02:26 ipggi Added affiliation with BBS The Ghetto (914) for Our Own Fucking Network
2022-06-07 13:02:18 ipggi Updated CyberCrime Int.'s affiliation with The Ghetto (914): changed group to CyberCrime Int., changed role to None
2022-06-07 13:01:54 ipggi Updated The Copyright Terminators's affiliation with The Ghetto (914): changed group to The Copyright Terminators
2022-06-07 13:01:31 ipggi Added BBS The Ghetto (914) as Distsite for The Cradle Traders
2022-06-07 13:01:16 ipggi Added BBS The Ghetto (914) as Distsite for The One And Only
2022-06-07 13:01:02 ipggi Added BBS The Ghetto (914) as Memberboard for Conspiracy of Silence Crew
2022-06-07 13:00:39 ipggi Added BBS The Ghetto (914) as Distsite for Mirage
2022-06-07 12:51:41 ipggi Added text ad
2022-01-25 03:58:58 menace Added BBS The Ghetto (914) as Distsite for Really Awful Music
2022-01-25 03:58:46 menace Added BBS The Ghetto (914) as Distsite for Imphobia
2022-01-25 03:58:40 menace Added BBS The Ghetto (914) as HQ for Terror Zone Underground
2022-01-25 03:57:51 menace Added text ad
2022-01-24 09:27:10 menace Updated Kid Capri as staff member of The Ghetto (914): set as current staff
2022-01-24 09:26:21 menace Added tag 'bbs-pc'
2022-01-24 09:26:18 menace Set promoted in to The Ghetto BBS, UAA April 1993 Packet
2022-01-24 09:26:12 menace Added BBS The Ghetto (914) as Distsite for United Artist Association
2021-06-10 08:59:06 100bit Set location to Westchester
2021-06-10 08:57:40 100bit Set location to New York
2021-06-10 08:57:12 100bit Added Kidcapri as staff member of The Ghetto (914)
2021-06-10 08:57:00 100bit Added BBS The Ghetto (914) as WHQ for Power Crisis International
2021-03-04 04:34:01 sensenstahl Added BBS The Ghetto (914) as Distsite for The Shining Darkness
2021-03-04 04:30:15 sensenstahl Set BBStros to The Ghetto BBS
2021-03-04 04:27:00 sensenstahl Edited notes
2021-03-04 04:26:48 sensenstahl Added BBS 'The Ghetto (914)'