Edit history for Al Bundy's Place

2025-01-26 19:06:39 dipswitch Added tag 'amiex'
2025-01-18 02:18:21 ipggi Added affiliation with BBS Al Bundy's Place for Mea Culpa
2025-01-18 02:18:10 ipggi Set promoted in to Agony Playable Preview, Champion Of The Raj, English Division BBS Intro, Handy-Painter v2.3, Home Front v2.0, Imphobia #1, TU Player V1.0, The Untouchables Boards, World Tour - Russia And Western Asia v1.00, Euro-BBS-List for January 1992
2024-01-19 19:27:10 psenough Updated Fusion's affiliation with Al Bundy's Place: changed group to Fusion
2023-10-25 22:44:47 dipswitch Set promoted in to Agony Playable Preview, Champion Of The Raj, English Division BBS Intro, Handy-Painter v2.3, Home Front v2.0, Imphobia 1, The Untouchables Boards, World Tour - Russia And Western Asia v1.00, TU Player V1.0
2022-12-05 20:14:03 menace Set promoted in to Agony Playable Preview, Champion Of The Raj, English Division BBS Intro, Handy-Painter v2.3, Imphobia 1, The Untouchables Boards, World Tour - Russia And Western Asia v1.00, Home Front v2.0
2022-12-02 06:09:30 menace Added BBS Al Bundy's Place as HQ for Fusion
2022-12-02 06:08:18 menace Set promoted in to Agony Playable Preview, Champion Of The Raj, Handy-Painter v2.3, Imphobia 1, The Untouchables Boards, World Tour - Russia And Western Asia v1.00, English Division BBS Intro
2022-04-29 18:40:38 100bit Added BBS Al Bundy's Place as HQ for Steel
2022-04-29 18:39:42 100bit Set promoted in to Agony Playable Preview, Champion Of The Raj, Imphobia 1, The Untouchables Boards, World Tour - Russia And Western Asia v1.00, Handy-Painter v2.3
2022-04-29 18:35:32 100bit Added link http://janeway.exotica.org.uk/author.php?id=52164
2022-04-29 18:35:06 100bit Set promoted in to Agony Playable Preview, Imphobia 1, The Untouchables Boards, World Tour - Russia And Western Asia v1.00, Champion Of The Raj
2021-12-03 23:55:07 dipswitch Added tag 'bbs-amiga'
2021-12-03 23:55:01 dipswitch Set promoted in to Agony Playable Preview, The Untouchables Boards, World Tour - Russia And Western Asia v1.00, Imphobia 1
2021-12-03 23:54:54 dipswitch Added tag 'bbs-pc'
2021-05-10 18:37:35 sensenstahl Set name to 'Al Bundy's Place', alternative names to Bundy's Place
2021-05-03 06:45:28 menace Added BBS Al Bundy's Place aka Bundy's Place as HQ for Paradise
2021-05-03 06:45:20 menace Set BBStros to Agony Playable Preview, The Untouchables Boards, World Tour - Russia And Western Asia v1.00
2021-05-03 06:44:30 menace Set BBStros to The Untouchables Boards, Agony Playable Preview
2021-05-03 06:44:14 menace Set name to 'Al Bundy's Place aka Bundy's Place'
2021-03-05 10:27:31 dipswitch Updated Untouchables's affiliation with Al Bundy's Place: changed group to Untouchables
2021-03-05 10:26:23 dipswitch Set BBStros to The Untouchables Boards
2021-03-05 10:26:11 dipswitch Added affiliation with BBS Al Bundy's Place for Untouchables
2021-03-05 10:25:56 dipswitch Added Al Bundy as staff member of Al Bundy's Place
2021-03-05 10:25:41 dipswitch Edited notes
2021-03-05 10:25:24 dipswitch Added BBS 'Al Bundy's Place'