Edit history for Prophet's Hold

2025-01-08 08:50:09 dipswitch Set promoted in to Board Logos To All Swedish BBS's Part 1 of 2, Confused People, Cool Boards, Dream Charts #1, Prophets Hold, Prophets Hold, Set Your Goals, Sverigetoppen 9, Swedish BBS List January 1995 Edition, World Elite Board List October 1994, If the Kids are United [1/2]
2024-12-29 00:55:23 dipswitch Set promoted in to Confused People, Cool Boards, Dream Charts #1, Prophets Hold, Prophets Hold, Set Your Goals, Sverigetoppen 9, Swedish BBS List January 1995 Edition, World Elite Board List October 1994, Board Logos To All Swedish BBS's Part 1 of 2
2024-11-08 21:04:10 menace Updated Maniac as staff member of Prophet's Hold: changed staff member to Maniac
2023-07-15 08:48:29 asle Added text ad
2023-05-28 21:48:53 dipswitch Set promoted in to Confused People, Cool Boards, Prophets Hold, Prophets Hold, Set Your Goals, Sverigetoppen 9, Swedish BBS List January 1995 Edition, World Elite Board List October 1994, Dream Charts 1
2022-10-04 00:26:17 100bit Edited notes
2022-10-04 00:22:55 100bit Set promoted in to Confused People, Cool Boards, Prophets Hold, Prophets Hold, Set Your Goals, Sverigetoppen 9, World Elite Board List October 1994, Swedish BBS List January 1995 Edition
2022-10-01 00:11:20 dipswitch Set promoted in to Confused People, Cool Boards, Prophets Hold, Prophets Hold, Set Your Goals, Sverigetoppen 9, World Elite Board List October 1994
2022-06-12 22:22:23 dipswitch Set promoted in to Cool Boards, Prophets Hold, Prophets Hold, Set Your Goals, Sverigetoppen 9, Confused People
2022-01-28 03:41:31 dipswitch Set promoted in to Prophets Hold, Prophets Hold, Set Your Goals, Sverigetoppen 9, Cool Boards
2021-12-14 00:29:18 dipswitch Added text ad
2021-12-14 00:28:42 dipswitch Added tag 'amiex'
2021-12-05 00:38:49 dipswitch Edited notes
2021-12-05 00:38:45 dipswitch Set promoted in to Prophets Hold, Prophets Hold, Set Your Goals, Sverigetoppen 9
2021-10-16 19:26:35 100bit Added BBS Prophet's Hold as EHQ for Master Couriering
2021-10-08 23:16:40 Tech Added text ad
2021-09-23 23:34:35 dipswitch Added tag 'bbs-console'
2021-09-23 23:34:20 dipswitch Added text ad
2021-09-23 02:55:46 dipswitch Set promoted in to Prophets Hold, Set Your Goals, Prophets Hold
2021-09-09 04:41:45 dipswitch Added text ad
2021-09-05 01:26:28 dipswitch Set promoted in to Set Your Goals, Prophets Hold
2021-09-02 23:56:21 dipswitch Updated Origin's affiliation with Prophet's Hold: changed group to Origin
2021-09-02 23:55:55 dipswitch Added BBS Prophet's Hold as HQ for Origin
2021-06-02 15:03:26 dipswitch Added BBS Prophet's Hold as HQ for Progress
2021-06-02 15:03:10 dipswitch Added tag 'bbs-nonpublic'
2021-06-02 15:02:56 dipswitch Added text ad
2021-05-21 22:16:21 dipswitch Added Maniac as staff member of Prophet's Hold
2021-05-21 22:15:41 dipswitch Added Exeron as staff member of Prophet's Hold
2021-05-21 22:15:34 dipswitch Added Tango as staff member of Prophet's Hold
2021-05-21 22:15:25 dipswitch Added zYCH as staff member of Prophet's Hold
2021-05-21 22:15:16 dipswitch Added tag 'bbs-pc'
2021-05-21 22:15:14 dipswitch Added tag 'bbs-amiga'
2021-05-21 22:15:04 dipswitch Added text ad
2021-03-08 08:02:59 menace Set location to Älmhult, Sweden
2021-03-08 08:00:16 menace Edited notes
2021-03-08 07:59:14 menace Updated Nero as staff member of Prophet's Hold: changed staff member to Nero
2021-03-08 07:59:03 menace Added Nero as staff member of Prophet's Hold
2021-03-08 07:58:45 menace Set BBStros to Set Your Goals
2021-03-08 07:58:36 menace Added BBS 'Prophet's Hold'