Edit history for Bad Obsession

2025-02-03 14:38:23 dipswitch Set promoted in to aeGiS' LeMMiNG-MuLTi-SyZoP-CoMMeNT, Ami/X Alike Chatter v1.00, Ami/X Conference Joiner v1.00, Ami/X WUI v1.00, Bad Obsession BBS, Homepage, May '96 Collection, News ANSI Generator v1.2, Pandora's Box Tagger (Beta Preview), Rollin' Rumours v1.oo, Super PCB/Log v1.00, Triloxy Boards (2), Dutch BBS-List #28 (02/1996)
2025-02-03 14:38:07 dipswitch Added BBS Bad Obsession as Memberboard for Counterattack Wares Supremacy
2025-02-03 14:37:57 dipswitch Added Slackjaw as staff member of Bad Obsession
2024-12-25 21:50:12 dipswitch Added BBS Bad Obsession as Memberboard for Moz(ic)art
2024-12-25 21:50:07 dipswitch Set promoted in to aeGiS' LeMMiNG-MuLTi-SyZoP-CoMMeNT, Ami/X Alike Chatter v1.00, Ami/X Conference Joiner v1.00, Ami/X WUI v1.00, Bad Obsession BBS, Homepage, News ANSI Generator v1.2, Pandora's Box Tagger (Beta Preview), Rollin' Rumours v1.oo, Super PCB/Log v1.00, Triloxy Boards (2), May '96 Collection
2024-08-28 22:21:47 dipswitch Set promoted in to aeGiS' LeMMiNG-MuLTi-SyZoP-CoMMeNT, Ami/X Alike Chatter v1.00, Ami/X Conference Joiner v1.00, Bad Obsession BBS, Homepage, News ANSI Generator v1.2, Pandora's Box Tagger (Beta Preview), Rollin' Rumours v1.oo, Super PCB/Log v1.00, Triloxy Boards (2), Ami/X WUI v1.00
2024-08-28 22:18:56 dipswitch Set promoted in to aeGiS' LeMMiNG-MuLTi-SyZoP-CoMMeNT, Ami/X Alike Chatter v1.00, Bad Obsession BBS, Homepage, News ANSI Generator v1.2, Pandora's Box Tagger (Beta Preview), Rollin' Rumours v1.oo, Super PCB/Log v1.00, Triloxy Boards (2), Ami/X Conference Joiner v1.00
2024-08-28 22:15:19 dipswitch Set promoted in to aeGiS' LeMMiNG-MuLTi-SyZoP-CoMMeNT, Ami/X Alike Chatter v1.00, Bad Obsession BBS, Homepage, News ANSI Generator v1.2, Pandora's Box Tagger (Beta Preview), Rollin' Rumours v1.oo, Triloxy Boards (2), Super PCB/Log v1.00
2024-08-28 22:10:11 dipswitch Set promoted in to aeGiS' LeMMiNG-MuLTi-SyZoP-CoMMeNT, Bad Obsession BBS, Homepage, News ANSI Generator v1.2, Pandora's Box Tagger (Beta Preview), Rollin' Rumours v1.oo, Triloxy Boards (2), Ami/X Alike Chatter v1.00
2024-08-28 22:05:02 dipswitch Added BBS Bad Obsession as HQ for Armageddon
2024-08-28 22:04:52 dipswitch Set promoted in to aeGiS' LeMMiNG-MuLTi-SyZoP-CoMMeNT, Bad Obsession BBS, Homepage, News ANSI Generator v1.2, Rollin' Rumours v1.oo, Triloxy Boards (2), Pandora's Box Tagger (Beta Preview)
2023-08-13 12:07:40 dipswitch Added BBS Bad Obsession as HQ for Gleam
2023-08-13 12:04:06 dipswitch Set promoted in to aeGiS' LeMMiNG-MuLTi-SyZoP-CoMMeNT, Bad Obsession BBS, Homepage, News ANSI Generator v1.2, Triloxy Boards (2), Rollin' Rumours v1.oo
2022-10-22 14:43:28 dipswitch Added BBS Bad Obsession as HQ for Imperial
2022-10-22 01:08:54 dipswitch Set promoted in to aeGiS' LeMMiNG-MuLTi-SyZoP-CoMMeNT, Bad Obsession BBS, News ANSI Generator v1.2, Triloxy Boards (2), Homepage
2022-10-22 01:08:49 dipswitch Added tag 'bbs-pc'
2022-10-22 01:08:46 dipswitch Added BBS Bad Obsession as Distsite for Blacktron Music Productions
2022-10-19 23:39:36 dipswitch Added BBS Bad Obsession as Distsite for Excalibur
2022-10-19 23:39:27 dipswitch Set promoted in to aeGiS' LeMMiNG-MuLTi-SyZoP-CoMMeNT, Bad Obsession BBS, Triloxy Boards (2), News ANSI Generator v1.2
2022-10-06 10:35:47 menace Set promoted in to Bad Obsession BBS, Triloxy Boards (2), aeGiS' LeMMiNG-MuLTi-SyZoP-CoMMeNT
2021-06-22 22:56:31 100bit Added links: https://www.pouet.net/boards.php?which=908, https://defacto2.net/g/bad-obsession-bbs
2021-06-22 22:55:34 100bit Added tag 'pcboard'
2021-06-22 10:22:57 vitalkanev Set BBStros to Bad Obsession BBS, Triloxy Boards (2)
2021-06-22 10:22:50 vitalkanev Added BBS Bad Obsession as HQ for Triloxy
2021-04-17 09:57:45 vitalkanev Added BBS Bad Obsession as HQ for Aegis Corp.
2021-02-20 04:11:59 dipswitch Added BBS Bad Obsession as Distsite for Rave Beats International
2021-01-23 21:36:05 dipswitch Set name to 'Bad Obsession'
2021-01-23 15:27:33 dipswitch Added BBS Bas Obsession as Distsite for Tokyo Dawn Records
2021-01-23 15:27:14 dipswitch Set BBStros to Bad Obsession BBS
2021-01-23 15:27:04 dipswitch Added Virago as staff member of Bas Obsession
2021-01-23 15:26:58 dipswitch Edited notes
2021-01-23 15:26:54 dipswitch Added BBS 'Bas Obsession'