Edit history for Rats Nest (909)

2022-06-07 13:34:54 ipggi Set name to 'Rats Nest (909)'
2021-11-29 22:26:00 dipswitch Set location to RANCHO CUCAMONGA
2021-04-24 11:16:18 ltk_tscc Added tag 'bbs-amiga'
2021-04-24 11:16:16 ltk_tscc Added tag 'bbs-pc'
2021-04-24 11:16:05 ltk_tscc Added tag 'bbs-atari'
2021-04-11 12:56:37 ltk_tscc Added 2 text ads
2021-03-13 12:34:41 ltk_tscc Edited notes
2021-03-13 12:34:38 ltk_tscc Added BBS 'Rats Nest'