Edit history for The Demon's Abyss

2025-01-15 00:59:34 ipggi Added BBS The Demon's Abyss as Distsite for Teknosis
2025-01-15 00:59:16 ipggi Set alternative names to Demons Abyss, TDA, The Demons Abyss
2025-01-15 00:35:37 ipggi Added BBS The Demon's Abyss as Distsite for Edge
2024-07-10 20:37:13 dipswitch Added BBS The Demon's Abyss as Distsite for Corosion
2022-01-29 01:01:36 dipswitch Added tag 'incomplete-affils'
2022-01-29 01:01:12 dipswitch Added text ad
2021-12-30 14:27:34 menace Set alternative names to TDA, The Demons Abyss
2021-12-30 14:27:08 menace Added tag 'vision2'
2021-12-30 14:24:53 menace Added Warrior as staff member of The Demon's Abyss
2021-12-30 14:19:53 menace Set name to 'The Demon's Abyss', alternative names to The Demons Abyss
2021-12-30 13:42:49 menace Set promoted in to ASKALL V0.1, Demons Abyss BBS, LSD Info, Primal Info, Primal Art Pack #2 (09/1993)
2021-11-16 06:39:51 100bit Updated Vigilante as staff member of Demon's Abyss: changed staff member to Vigilante
2021-11-16 06:36:02 100bit Edited notes
2021-11-16 06:31:26 100bit Added tag 'hpav'
2021-11-16 06:31:01 100bit Added tag 'bbs-console'
2021-11-16 06:30:58 100bit Added tag 'bbs-pc'
2021-11-16 06:30:54 100bit Added tag 'pcboard'
2021-11-16 06:30:52 100bit Removed tag 'no-staff-added'
2021-11-16 06:30:49 100bit Edited notes
2021-11-16 06:30:42 100bit Added Vigilante as staff member of Demon's Abyss
2021-11-16 06:30:34 100bit Added White Knight as staff member of Demon's Abyss
2021-11-16 06:29:30 100bit Set promoted in to ASKALL V0.1, Demons Abyss BBS, LSD Info, Primal Info
2021-11-16 06:29:06 100bit Added BBS Demon's Abyss as WHQ for Primal
2021-11-16 06:28:59 100bit Edited notes
2021-11-05 02:14:24 dipswitch Set location to farmingdale, ny
2021-10-19 22:01:29 100bit Set promoted in to ASKALL V0.1, Demons Abyss BBS, LSD Info
2021-10-19 22:01:14 100bit Added links: https://www.pouet.net/boards.php?which=2739, https://defacto2.net/g/demons-abyss-bbs
2021-10-19 22:00:08 100bit Added BBS Demon's Abyss as WHQ for Lethal Software Distributors
2021-10-19 21:59:55 100bit Edited notes
2021-10-19 21:59:14 100bit Added tag 'no-staff-added'
2021-04-03 02:56:17 dipswitch Updated Console Gaming Informers's affiliation with Demon's Abyss: changed role to Memberboard
2021-04-03 02:50:43 dipswitch Added BBS Demon's Abyss as Distsite for Console Gaming Informers
2021-03-31 13:38:44 dipswitch Added BBS Demon's Abyss as Memberboard for Pirates With Attitudes
2021-03-31 13:38:39 dipswitch Set BBStros to Demons Abyss BBS, ASKALL V0.1
2021-03-31 13:38:30 dipswitch Added Mortacan as staff member of Demon's Abyss
2021-03-31 13:38:25 dipswitch Edited notes
2021-03-31 13:38:20 dipswitch Added BBS 'Demon's Abyss'