Edit history for Fantasia

2025-02-21 08:43:58 dipswitch Set location to vaucluse
2025-02-21 08:43:43 dipswitch Edited notes
2022-12-05 20:14:34 menace Set promoted in to Agony Playable Preview, BBS Intro, Crazy Cars III 100%, Cyber Assault +5, English Division BBS Intro, Fantasia BBS Commercial, Fate Gates of Dawn, Fool's Errand 100%, Jim Power In the Mutant Planet, Spike In Transylvania, Storm Master, Super Ski 2, World Tour - Russia And Western Asia v1.00, Home Front v2.0
2022-12-02 06:11:36 menace Set promoted in to Agony Playable Preview, BBS Intro, Crazy Cars III 100%, Cyber Assault +5, Fantasia BBS Commercial, Fate Gates of Dawn, Fool's Errand 100%, Jim Power In the Mutant Planet, Spike In Transylvania, Storm Master, Super Ski 2, World Tour - Russia And Western Asia v1.00, English Division BBS Intro
2022-11-03 18:18:41 100bit Edited notes
2022-11-03 18:18:19 100bit Added link http://janeway.exotica.org.uk/author.php?id=52166
2022-11-03 18:17:57 100bit Set promoted in to Agony Playable Preview, Crazy Cars III 100%, Cyber Assault +5, Fantasia BBS Commercial, Fate Gates of Dawn, Fool's Errand 100%, Jim Power In the Mutant Planet, Spike In Transylvania, Storm Master, Super Ski 2, World Tour - Russia And Western Asia v1.00, BBS Intro
2022-11-03 18:17:44 100bit Added tag 'bbs-amiga'
2021-04-01 06:53:17 menace Set BBStros to Agony Playable Preview, Cyber Assault +5, Fantasia BBS Commercial, Fate Gates of Dawn, Fool's Errand 100%, Jim Power In the Mutant Planet, Spike In Transylvania, Storm Master, Super Ski 2, World Tour - Russia And Western Asia v1.00, Crazy Cars III 100%
2021-04-01 06:52:09 menace Set BBStros to Agony Playable Preview, Cyber Assault +5, Fantasia BBS Commercial, Fate Gates of Dawn, Fool's Errand 100%, Spike In Transylvania, Storm Master, Super Ski 2, World Tour - Russia And Western Asia v1.00, Jim Power In the Mutant Planet
2021-04-01 06:51:31 menace Added BBS Fantasia as HQ for Paradise
2021-04-01 06:51:18 menace Set BBStros to Agony Playable Preview, Cyber Assault +5, Fantasia BBS Commercial, Fate Gates of Dawn, Fool's Errand 100%, Spike In Transylvania, Storm Master, Super Ski 2, World Tour - Russia And Western Asia v1.00
2021-04-01 06:48:37 menace Set BBStros to Agony Playable Preview, Cyber Assault +5, Fantasia BBS Commercial, Fate Gates of Dawn, Fool's Errand 100%, Spike In Transylvania, Storm Master, Super Ski 2, Cyber Assault +5
2021-04-01 06:47:41 menace Set BBStros to Cyber Assault +5, Fantasia BBS Commercial, Fate Gates of Dawn, Fool's Errand 100%, Spike In Transylvania, Storm Master, Super Ski 2, Agony Playable Preview
2021-04-01 06:46:38 menace Set BBStros to Cyber Assault +5, Fantasia BBS Commercial, Fate Gates of Dawn, Fool's Errand 100%, Spike In Transylvania, Super Ski 2, Storm Master
2021-04-01 06:46:05 menace Set BBStros to Cyber Assault +5, Fantasia BBS Commercial, Fate Gates of Dawn, Fool's Errand 100%, Spike In Transylvania, Super Ski 2
2021-04-01 06:45:32 menace Set BBStros to Cyber Assault +5, Fantasia BBS Commercial, Fate Gates of Dawn, Fool's Errand 100%, Spike In Transylvania
2021-04-01 06:44:27 menace Added Furax as staff member of Fantasia
2021-04-01 06:44:03 menace Set BBStros to Cyber Assault +5, Fantasia BBS Commercial, Fool's Errand 100%, Fate Gates of Dawn
2021-04-01 06:38:59 menace Set BBStros to Cyber Assault +5, Fool's Errand 100%, Fantasia BBS Commercial
2021-04-01 06:37:53 menace Set BBStros to Fool's Errand 100%, Cyber Assault +5
2021-04-01 06:37:29 menace Added BBS Fantasia as HQ for Fusion
2021-04-01 06:37:18 menace Set BBStros to Fool's Errand 100%
2021-04-01 06:37:06 menace Added BBS 'Fantasia'