Edit history for Mute City

2025-01-24 20:37:26 ipggi Added BBS Mute City as Distsite for Association Of Software Conspiracy
2025-01-11 23:42:22 ipggi Updated Spec┼raL's affiliation with Mute City: changed group to Spec┼raL
2023-01-06 03:47:37 ipggi Added BBS Mute City as Distsite for Hijack Staff
2021-11-10 00:20:53 dipswitch Set location to Winnetka, ca
2021-09-28 03:05:26 dipswitch Added text ad
2021-09-20 23:11:01 dipswitch Added BBS Mute City as Memberboard for Paralysis
2021-09-04 02:11:18 dipswitch Added tag 'bbs-nonpublic'
2021-09-04 02:11:14 dipswitch Added tag 'bbs-console'
2021-09-04 02:11:12 dipswitch Added tag 'bbs-pc'
2021-06-28 01:13:11 dipswitch Added link https://defacto2.net/g/mute-city-bbs
2021-06-10 12:01:31 menace Added BBS Mute City as WHQ for Spectral
2021-06-10 12:01:19 menace Edited notes
2021-04-13 01:59:56 dipswitch Removed Spectral's affiliation with Mute City
2021-04-13 01:59:40 dipswitch Added BBS Mute City as WHQ for Spectral
2021-04-13 01:59:34 dipswitch Edited notes
2021-04-13 01:59:09 dipswitch Added Mad Prince as staff member of Mute City
2021-04-13 01:58:56 dipswitch Added text ad
2021-04-13 01:58:50 dipswitch Set BBStros to Hijack #3
2021-04-13 01:58:46 dipswitch Added BBS 'Mute City'