Edit history for Metal Addiction

2025-01-24 19:55:00 ipggi Added BBS Metal Addiction as HQ for Artists Without Loyality
2025-01-24 19:54:49 ipggi Edited notes
2025-01-24 19:54:30 ipggi Edited notes
2024-12-13 20:04:57 dipswitch Added BBS Metal Addiction as Distsite for Untouchable Art
2024-12-13 20:04:39 dipswitch Set promoted in to ACE Art Pack 3, The Acquisition (03/1993), Metal Addiction BBS, Untouchable Art Collection #1
2024-06-19 06:16:22 menace Set promoted in to ACE Art Pack 3, Metal Addiction BBS, The Acquisition (03/1993)
2023-04-08 10:30:04 menace Set promoted in to Metal Addiction BBS, ACE Art Pack 3
2023-03-02 17:07:19 menace Removed tag 'incomplete-affils'
2023-03-02 17:07:16 menace Edited notes
2023-03-02 17:07:11 menace Added BBS Metal Addiction as HQ for QUICK
2023-03-02 17:06:44 menace Added BBS Metal Addiction as Distsite for ITS
2023-03-02 17:05:59 menace Added BBS Metal Addiction as Distsite for SLAM
2023-03-02 17:05:53 menace Added BBS Metal Addiction as Distsite for WiND
2023-03-02 17:05:32 menace Added BBS Metal Addiction as Distsite for Visual Nation
2023-03-02 17:05:18 menace Added BBS Metal Addiction as Distsite for Legacy
2023-03-02 17:04:21 menace Added Dr. Kadavar as staff member of Metal Addiction
2023-01-06 02:52:50 ipggi Added BBS Metal Addiction as Distsite for Psychosis Staff
2023-01-06 02:52:34 ipggi Added BBS Metal Addiction as Distsite for Lancelot 2 Staff
2023-01-06 02:52:15 ipggi Added BBS Metal Addiction as HQ for Obsidian
2023-01-05 07:39:43 ipggi Added tag 'incomplete-affils'
2023-01-05 07:39:35 ipggi Edited notes
2023-01-05 07:38:52 ipggi Added text ad
2023-01-05 07:38:37 ipggi Added BBS Metal Addiction as HQ for UNiQ
2023-01-05 07:37:59 ipggi Updated XAP's affiliation with Metal Addiction: changed group to XAP
2023-01-05 07:37:43 ipggi Added BBS Metal Addiction as HQ for Xtreme Art Project
2023-01-05 07:00:41 ipggi Added BBS Metal Addiction as HQ for CHAOS
2023-01-05 02:47:44 ipggi Added BBS Metal Addiction as HQ for Art Creation Enterprise
2022-12-27 12:18:36 ipggi Added link https://16colo.rs/tags/content/metal+addiction
2022-12-27 12:18:08 ipggi Added tag 'celerity-bbs'
2022-12-27 12:17:43 ipggi Added BBS Metal Addiction as Memberboard for The Rape Ware Syndicate
2022-12-27 12:17:19 ipggi Added text ad
2021-11-30 16:34:57 100bit Added links: https://www.pouet.net/boards.php?which=2049, https://defacto2.net/g/metal-addiction-bbs
2021-11-30 16:34:37 100bit Added 3 text ads
2021-11-30 16:33:42 100bit Updated Excretion's affiliation with Metal Addiction: changed group to Excretion, changed role to Distsite
2021-11-30 16:33:23 100bit Added BBS Metal Addiction as HQ for Obsidian
2021-11-30 16:33:13 100bit Added BBS Metal Addiction as WHQ for ACiD
2021-11-30 16:32:36 100bit Edited notes
2021-11-30 16:32:28 100bit Edited notes
2021-11-30 16:22:52 100bit Added BBS Metal Addiction as HQ for Terratron
2021-11-30 16:21:20 100bit Added BBS Metal Addiction as HQ for Foundation
2021-11-09 02:05:36 dipswitch Added tag 'bbs-pc'
2021-04-30 03:25:38 ipggi Added BBS Metal Addiction as HQ for Dead Weight
2021-04-30 02:02:56 ipggi Set BBStros to Metal Addiction BBS
2021-04-30 02:02:41 ipggi Added BBS Metal Addiction as HQ for Untouchables
2021-04-30 02:02:24 ipggi Added Zed Nitro as staff member of Metal Addiction
2021-04-30 02:02:06 ipggi Added BBS 'Metal Addiction'