Edit history for Avenging Force

2025-02-04 23:50:11 ipggi Set promoted in to ANSI and ANSIMation Art File Compilation (1989-1994), Avenging Force BBS, Nuke Infojournal #1, Fear Newsletter #2 (Fear/LE)
2025-01-16 11:14:16 ipggi Added BBS Avenging Force as Distsite for NuKE
2025-01-16 10:55:42 ipggi Set promoted in to ANSI and ANSIMation Art File Compilation (1989-1994), Avenging Force BBS, Nuke Infojournal #1
2024-11-30 23:25:21 dipswitch Added tag 'bbs-nonpublic'
2024-11-30 23:24:29 dipswitch Set promoted in to Avenging Force BBS, ANSI and ANSIMation Art File Compilation (1989-1994)
2024-11-30 23:24:22 dipswitch Added Tank as staff member of Avenging Force
2022-09-08 21:22:56 menace Edited notes
2022-09-08 21:22:08 menace Added tag 'emulex-bbs'
2022-09-08 21:21:46 menace Added Killer as staff member of Avenging Force
2022-09-08 21:21:37 menace Added Dark Spyre as staff member of Avenging Force
2022-09-08 21:21:28 menace Edited notes
2022-09-08 21:21:05 menace Added tag 'bbs-pc'
2021-11-04 22:46:23 dipswitch Set location to houston
2021-05-20 04:59:26 sensenstahl Set BBStros to Avenging Force BBS
2021-05-20 04:57:38 sensenstahl Edited notes
2021-05-20 04:56:44 sensenstahl Added Nemesis as staff member of Avenging Force
2021-05-20 04:56:31 sensenstahl Added BBS 'Avenging Force'