Edit history for State of the Art

2025-02-28 06:31:57 menace Added BBS State of the Art as HQ for Success & The Ruling Company
2024-08-31 11:54:34 menace Set promoted in to Call State of the Art, Call This
2024-05-23 15:59:29 psenough Set promoted in to Call State of the Art
2022-09-01 20:21:43 menace Added link https://csdb.dk/bbs/?id=19
2022-01-03 02:58:32 dipswitch Set location to grünstadt
2021-06-01 00:59:29 100bit Added affiliation with BBS State of the Art for Coderz
2021-06-01 00:59:11 100bit Added BBS State of the Art as HQ for Vision
2021-06-01 00:58:51 100bit Added BBS State of the Art as HQ for Atlantis
2021-06-01 00:58:17 100bit Added BBS State of the Art as HQ for Nirvana
2021-06-01 00:58:07 100bit Added BBS State of the Art as EHQ for The Ruling Company
2021-06-01 00:57:36 100bit Added BBS State of the Art as EHQ for Sacred
2021-06-01 00:56:25 100bit Added CBA as staff member of State of the Art
2021-06-01 00:55:43 100bit Added Cavron as staff member of State of the Art
2021-06-01 00:55:23 100bit Added tag 'bbs-c64'
2021-06-01 00:55:02 100bit Set name to 'State of the Art'
2021-06-01 00:54:51 100bit Edited notes
2021-06-01 00:51:13 100bit Added BBS 'The Dragon's Tower'