Edit history for Brainwave Stimulation

2025-01-26 16:13:56 dipswitch Set promoted in to Brainwave Stimulation BBS (1), Brainwave Stimulation BBS (2), Youth Against Fascism, Elektroniset 24h Postilaatikot Suomessa 22.5.1996
2024-11-03 20:32:51 dipswitch Set promoted in to Brainwave Stimulation BBS (1), Brainwave Stimulation BBS (2), Youth Against Fascism
2024-10-27 21:54:36 dipswitch Set location to kouvola
2024-10-27 21:54:32 dipswitch Edited notes
2021-12-19 01:13:22 dipswitch Added tag 'bbs-pc'
2021-12-17 11:27:32 dipswitch Set location to kymi, finland
2021-08-21 23:21:17 100bit Added text ad
2021-08-21 23:21:01 100bit Edited notes
2021-08-21 23:20:58 100bit Added tag 'pcboard'
2021-08-10 18:05:04 sensenstahl Set promoted in to Brainwave Stimulation BBS (1), Brainwave Stimulation BBS (2)
2021-08-10 18:03:14 sensenstahl Set promoted in to Brainwave Stimulation BBS (1)
2021-08-10 18:03:06 sensenstahl Added BBS Brainwave Stimulation as WHQ for Borealis
2021-08-10 18:02:56 sensenstahl Added Butane as staff member of Brainwave Stimulation
2021-08-10 18:02:26 sensenstahl Edited notes
2021-08-10 18:02:21 sensenstahl Added BBS 'Brainwave Stimulation'