Edit history for Bubi Box

2025-01-26 14:46:53 dipswitch Added tag 'concord-bbs'
2025-01-26 14:46:45 dipswitch Added tag 'isdn'
2025-01-26 14:46:41 dipswitch Set promoted in to Fyvush, Elektroniset 24h Postilaatikot Suomessa 22.5.1996
2024-10-27 19:55:58 Jope Set location to hyvinkää
2021-08-26 00:42:06 dipswitch Set promoted in to Fyvush
2021-08-26 00:41:46 dipswitch Set location to keski-suomi
2021-08-26 00:41:24 dipswitch Edited notes
2021-08-26 00:41:11 dipswitch Added tag 'bbs-pc'
2021-08-26 00:41:07 dipswitch Added BBS Bubi Box as WHQ for Jamm
2021-08-26 00:40:59 dipswitch Added BBS 'Bubi Box'