Edit history for Monolith

2025-01-24 19:49:53 ipggi Updated Artists Without Loyality's affiliation with Monolith: changed role to WHQ
2021-11-09 23:59:25 dipswitch Added tag 'bbs-pc'
2021-11-09 23:59:18 dipswitch Set location to Oakland Gardens, new york
2021-10-19 22:33:59 100bit Added text ad
2021-10-19 22:33:15 100bit Edited notes
2021-10-19 22:32:48 100bit Added BBS Monolith as HQ for Artists Without Loyality
2021-10-19 22:32:41 100bit Removed tag 'unknown-location'
2021-10-19 22:32:38 100bit Set location to New York
2021-10-19 22:32:14 100bit Added Maximum Carnage as staff member of Monolith
2021-10-19 22:29:19 100bit Set promoted in to LSD Info
2021-10-19 22:29:11 100bit Added BBS Monolith as Distsite for Lethal Software Distributors
2021-10-19 22:29:02 100bit Added Doom Guard as staff member of Monolith
2021-10-19 22:28:52 100bit Added tag 'unknown-location'
2021-10-19 22:28:48 100bit Added BBS 'Monolith'