A phenomenon of the PC ANSI/ASCII scene from the second half of the 1990s onwards. Such BBSs were usually affiliated with artgroups and took pride in having an elaborate ANSI design.
A BBS that was not accessible for the majority of scene members. Access was a privilege for the "elites" of a particular sub-scene. Often (but not always!), such BBSs carried pirated software, they were protected by a NUP (new user password), their numbers were not advertised, and their ads carried slogans along the lines of "No Lamers!" or "Elite Only".
This BBS carried PC releases and/or was part of the PC scene. Please note that it does not automatically mean that the BBS ran on a PC.
This BBS had a HPAV (=hacking/phreaking/anarchy/virii) file area.
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