Edit history for The Land's End

2025-01-21 20:53:17 ipggi Set promoted in to Lands End BBS, Training Tutorial for the PC
2025-01-05 09:21:05 ltk_tscc Added text ad
2024-09-20 18:46:18 dipswitch Added tag 'bbs-pc'
2022-06-06 03:39:53 ipggi Added BBS The Land's End as Distsite for Untouchables
2022-06-06 03:38:44 ipggi Set alternative names to Lands End
2022-06-06 03:37:58 ipggi Updated Obelisk as staff member of The Land's End: changed staff member to Obelisk
2022-06-06 03:37:43 ipggi Added Obelisk as staff member of The Land's End
2022-06-06 03:37:32 ipggi Added Shadow Lord as staff member of The Land's End
2022-06-06 03:36:06 ipggi Added Racer X as staff member of The Land's End
2022-06-06 03:35:04 ipggi Added The Rogue Trader as staff member of The Land's End
2022-06-06 03:34:42 ipggi Added text ad
2022-06-06 03:34:21 ipggi Edited notes
2022-06-06 03:33:58 ipggi Set promoted in to Lands End BBS
2022-06-06 03:33:47 ipggi Added BBS 'The Land's End'