Recent edits

2012-06-06 00:12:09 dipswitch Added credit for Herr Sol (Graphics) on Toilet Flush EP (link) (link2)
2012-06-06 00:11:48 dipswitch Added Sol as a member of Free Electric Band (link) (link2)
2012-06-06 00:11:29 dipswitch Added credit for Herr Sol (Graphics) on Alto Knallo (link) (link2)
2012-06-06 00:11:12 dipswitch Deleted scener 'Herr Sol'
2012-06-06 00:11:06 dipswitch Deleted Herr Sol's credit on Alto Knallo (link)
2012-06-06 00:10:43 dipswitch Added nick 'Herr Sol' (link)
2012-06-06 00:10:10 dipswitch Added credit for Raw Style (Code, Music) on Toilet Flush EP (link) (link2)
2012-06-06 00:09:53 dipswitch Set title to 'Toilet Flush EP' (link)
2012-06-06 00:09:30 dipswitch Added RP as a member of ELectronic Knocked 'Em (link) (link2)
2012-06-06 00:09:23 dipswitch Added P-rat as a member of ELectronic Knocked 'Em (link) (link2)
2012-06-06 00:09:07 dipswitch Added Echo as a member of ELectronic Knocked 'Em (link) (link2)
2012-06-06 00:08:06 dipswitch Edited nick 'ELectronic Knocked 'Em': changed abbreviation to 'ELKE' (link)
2012-06-06 00:07:52 dipswitch Added Raw Style as a member of ELectronic Knocked 'Em (link) (link2)
2012-06-06 00:07:40 dipswitch Edited nick 'Raw Style': changed aliases to 'Rawstyle' (link)
2012-06-06 00:07:15 dipswitch Deleted scener 'Rawstyle'
2012-06-06 00:07:09 dipswitch Deleted Rawstyle's credit on Toilet FLush EP (link)
2012-06-06 00:06:47 dipswitch Added credit for Rawstyle (Code) on Toilet FLush EP (link)
2012-06-06 00:06:14 dipswitch Added link (link)
2012-06-06 00:06:10 dipswitch Added screenshot (link)
2012-06-06 00:05:53 dipswitch Added production 'Toilet FLush EP' (link)
2012-06-05 13:01:07 dipswitch Deleted link (link)
2012-06-05 13:00:37 dipswitch Added Shaitan as a member of Omega Hackers Group (link) (link2)
2012-06-05 13:00:26 dipswitch Removed Shaitan as a member of Omega Hackers Group (link) (link2)
2012-06-05 13:00:18 dipswitch Added link (link)
2012-06-05 13:00:09 dipswitch Added scener 'Shaitan' (link)
2012-06-05 12:56:52 dipswitch Added Dino as a member of 5711 (link) (link2)
2012-06-05 12:56:40 dipswitch Added link (link)
2012-06-05 12:56:26 dipswitch Set real name (link)
2012-06-05 10:58:34 menace Added link (link)
2012-06-05 10:13:17 menace Edited notes (link)
2012-06-05 10:12:08 menace Edited notes (link)
2012-06-05 10:11:22 menace Edited notes (link)
2012-06-05 10:11:16 menace Edited notes (link)
2012-06-05 10:10:24 menace Edited notes (link)
2012-06-05 10:10:06 menace Edited notes (link)
2012-06-05 10:09:15 menace Added Teo as a member of Focus Design (link) (link2)
2012-06-05 10:09:06 menace Added Hoffman as a member of Focus Design (link) (link2)
2012-06-05 10:08:58 menace Edited notes (link)
2012-06-05 10:08:22 menace Added credit for bstrr (Music) on Announcetro (link) (link2)
2012-06-05 10:08:11 menace Added credit for Maytz (Graphics) on Announcetro (link) (link2)
2012-06-05 10:08:02 menace Added credit for Corial (Code) on Announcetro (link) (link2)
2012-06-05 10:07:48 menace Added links:, (link)
2012-06-05 10:07:35 menace Added production 'Announcetro' (link)
2012-06-05 06:11:15 menace Updated competition placing info for Dhzun in Euskal 1997 Amiga Demo competition (link)
2012-06-05 06:11:11 menace Updated competition placing info for Dhzun in Euskal 1997 Amiga Demo competition (link)
2012-06-05 06:11:08 menace Added competition placing for Dhzun in Euskal 1997 Amiga Demo competition (link)
2012-06-05 06:10:25 menace Updated competition placing info for UFO in Euskal 1997 Amiga Demo competition (link) (link2)
2012-06-05 06:10:19 menace Updated competition placing info for UFO in Euskal 1997 Amiga Demo competition (link) (link2)
2012-06-05 06:10:17 menace Updated competition placing info for UFO in Euskal 1997 Amiga Demo competition (link) (link2)
2012-06-05 06:10:08 menace Added competition placing for UFO in Euskal 1997 Amiga Demo competition (link) (link2)