
Demozoo Darkmode

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v3nom - 16:44 17 December 2023 #


are there plans for a darkmode of the site?
It would be more easy for the eyes when browsing and watching demos at night.

Best Greetings,

menace - 09:46 18 December 2023 #

There is nothing currently in the pipeline in that regard, but we're always open to suggestions or even a pull request that enhances us on our Github page.

For now, you can achieve some of that effect by for instance using the Dark Reader browser extension - see https://darkreader.org

lambyy - 05:26 1 March 2024 #

i agree with u! i prefer darkmode

SoDa7 - 07:58 6 March 2024 #

Likewise - would be a good feature!

t0m3000 - 07:22 9 March 2024 #

darkmode for ever! :)

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