
Delete this production?

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just_to_report - 11:00 30 April 2016 #

I think this one should be deleted: /productions/122426/

ltk_tscc - 12:58 30 April 2016 #

I think you should post under your real nick.

just_to_report - 22:39 30 April 2016 #

oh sorry for the nick, I wasnt planing to use one cus is no needed to download demos. But that one has a nude child, you can notice it on its preview images, and i thought it could be illegal, and decided to report it, so that is the reason.

menace - 04:51 2 May 2016 #

Thanks for the heads-up. I checked the screenshots, and they do appear to be dubious in nature so I removed them.

Having said that - registering under your own nick does allow you to be an active participant on the site, and you can comment on productions and parties and stuff. And post on the forum.

dad1916 - 12:37 2 May 2016 #

If by downloading this you are committing a crime in the majority of the civilised world, then yes by all means delete it. How does it benefit DemoZoo ?

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