
Oh Oh Oh Mistake Same Nick Conflict Bewtween 2 Eldar

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Eldar - 07:09 30 May 2016 #

I'm ELDAR from phenix
And i Discover there is a Eldar in RAZOR ...
I try to change my account to remove Razor Production i didn't do but i think i do a Mystake is somebody can help me ?

Conflict is HERE
The Razor GUY (Elite)

Me from Fuzion :


ltk_tscc - 20:59 30 May 2016 #

I Hope its fixed now?

dipswitch - 23:17 30 May 2016 #

@ltk_tscc - sure that the italian location is correct and that it's not a false auto-recognition of "none"?

ltk_tscc - 06:03 31 May 2016 #

dipswitch: I'm not sure about everything as I don't know these guys :)

dipswitch - 21:40 31 May 2016 #

edit history suggests that it was elder (the thread starter) who chenged the location to "none", which got autorecognised as an italian town. i remember having no information on the rzr1911 eldar when i added him. so i'll delete the location for now.

orion - 14:31 20 October 2016 #

Hi Eldar from Fuzion
This is Orion from Fuzion :-)
Can you contact me at orion.fuzion AT gmail DOT com (or on facebook) ?
I'm in contact with other Fuzion members (including Ludo) and I'd like to connect you to our group !

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