
Interested in a compo for a scene outreach to kids?

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cxw - 02:46 21 April 2017 #

I am trying to put together the world's smallest demoparty at a public library in my area. If I can get the partyplace, would you be willing to shoot me a remote entry? I'd love to tell parents they could bring their kids to a world premiere of computer-animated short films.

Date will be late July or early August; place will be upstate New York, USA. Take a mental break from your Evoke entries and give me something that will show the kids the scene is the place to be!

One compo: combined pc demo/intro. Prizes for local or remote entries - no cash, but at least a cool plaque. :) Win7 x64, and probably a 1050 or 1060. Can run from the shell or in-browser; max 5 minutes given the attention span of the target audience.

Reply below, or send me a pm on necta, cvgm, or demozoo slack, if you are interested. I expect to find out next week if I can get the venue, and will post updates as soon as I have them. Thank you!

cxw - 16:35 26 April 2017 #

Date is now confirmed for Saturday 2017/07/29.

cxw - 21:29 30 April 2017 #

In view of one inquiry I have had, if I get enough entries, it will be a combined wild compo rather than straight PC demo. Anything that will run or any video that will play on the compo machine :) .

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