Firestorm - Blown Away

by Danny / The Black Lotus

Delivered to the competition as a 116 KB lbm file or a 83 KB jpg file - download for both are available on

From the enclosed text file; "The woman was intirely pixeled by hand using Brilliance in a 128 colors palette on the amiga. The background and the flames were brushed using Adobe PhotoShop in 24 bit. Later the two pieces were merged together and colors were added to make it a full 24 bit picture. I've also made a color-downscale of the final full color image for those not blessed with 24 bit viewing capeabilities. Please note: The 640x1500 picture was based on Amiga aspect ratios, so viewing it on pc's might cause the picture to look slightly stretched vertically.."

Last edited on 10 Sep 2017 by menace. See all edits