Edit history for Look at the water by Vasyl / Joker ^ SWEET16

2024-08-05 13:36:51 asle Added link http://janeway.exotica.org.uk/release.php?id=106265
2023-09-10 23:59:24 100bit Edited notes
2023-09-10 23:59:17 100bit Added tag '32-colors'
2023-07-19 23:24:07 100bit Added info file
2023-06-02 22:56:40 exocet Added tag 'stages-included'
2023-06-02 22:49:53 exocet Added tag '320x256'
2023-06-02 22:49:45 exocet Added tag 'deluxe-paint'
2023-06-02 22:49:41 exocet Added screenshot
2023-06-02 22:47:08 exocet Added link https://files.scene.org/view/parties/2023/amiparty23/graphics/vasyl-look_at_the_water.zip
2023-05-31 18:15:31 vitalkanev Updated competition placing info for Look at the water in AmiParty 29 Amiga Graphics competition
2023-05-31 18:15:29 vitalkanev Updated competition placing info for Look at the water in AmiParty 29 Amiga Graphics competition
2023-05-31 18:15:06 vitalkanev Added competition placing for Look at the water in AmiParty 29 Amiga Graphics competition