Edit history for Boil Issue #2 - Hear The Gong by Boil

2024-12-07 10:15:16 sensenstahl Set title to 'Boil Issue #2 - Hear The Gong'
2024-12-07 10:14:37 sensenstahl Added link https://files.scene.org/view/mirrors/artpacks/artpacks/1997/bl-gong.zip
2024-10-10 20:47:59 dipswitch Updated Jerusalem's credit on Hear The Gong: Graphics (ANSI), Text (LIT)
2024-10-10 20:47:53 dipswitch Updated Fastjack's credit on Hear The Gong: Graphics (ANSI), Text (LIT)
2024-10-10 20:46:15 dipswitch Added credit for Schlumpfkiller on Hear The Gong: Graphics (ANSI)
2024-10-10 20:45:56 dipswitch Added credit for Loolarge on Hear The Gong: Music
2024-10-10 20:45:27 dipswitch Added credit for Jerusalem on Hear The Gong: Graphics (ANSI)
2024-10-10 20:45:03 dipswitch Added credit for Fastjack on Hear The Gong: Graphics (ANSI)
2024-10-10 20:37:37 dipswitch Added production 'Hear The Gong'