Edit history for Silly Venture Logo by taZ

2024-12-15 10:20:43 menace Added link https://files.scene.org/view/parties/2000/sillyventure00/ascii/tz-silva4.zip
2024-11-14 18:06:09 ltk_tscc Set title to 'Silly Venture Logo'
2024-11-14 18:05:57 ltk_tscc Set title to 'SV Logo'
2017-03-22 17:19:40 ltk_tscc Added screenshot
2015-03-06 10:18:11 ltk_tscc Added link ftp://ftp.untergrund.net/users/ltk_tscc/fujiology/!PARTIES/2000/SV2K/ASCII/TAZ/TZ-SILV4.ZIP
2013-03-21 08:56:47 ltk_tscc Updated competition placing info for svlogo in Silly Venture 2000 ASCII-Art competition
2013-03-21 08:56:41 ltk_tscc Updated competition placing info for svlogo in Silly Venture 2000 ASCII-Art competition
2013-03-21 08:56:32 ltk_tscc Updated competition placing info for svlogo in Silly Venture 2000 ASCII-Art competition
2013-03-21 08:55:48 ltk_tscc Added competition placing for svlogo in Silly Venture 2000 ASCII-Art competition