Flashing Stuff (88) listed Apollo, Catelite, Cyborg, Freddy, Hoggy, Sigma, Spiderman, The Predator, T.S.S, Yeasu and Zygon.
Copy/Utilities/Boot-Utes-Disk v2.1 mentioned Apollo, Catelite, Cockroach, Cyborg, Freddy, Hoggy, Sigma, Spiderman, The Predator, T.S.S., Yeasu and Zygon as other members at that time.
Flash Disc 3/89 listed Apollo, Catelite, Cockroach, Cyborg, ECS, Freddy, Hoggy, Lord X, Mr. Megaforce, Sigma, The Guide, The Predator, T.S.S., Wizard of Oz, Yeasu and Zygon as members.
They are considered disbanded, having not made releases since 1989.