Edit history for The Flash Point Boys

2023-07-09 07:27:12 menace Updated The Tricky Freak 1571's membership of The Flash Point Boys: set as ex-member
2023-07-09 07:27:05 menace Added Match as a member of The Flash Point Boys
2020-08-10 08:38:29 menace Added Future Droid as a member of The Flash Point Boys
2019-07-20 16:32:16 100bit Added Iron Warrior as a member of The Flash Point Boys
2019-07-20 16:19:30 100bit Added The Fighter as a member of The Flash Point Boys
2019-07-20 16:18:18 100bit Added Swat-Man as a member of The Flash Point Boys
2019-07-20 16:17:49 100bit Edited nick 'The Flash Point Boys': changed abbreviation to 'TFPB'
2019-07-20 16:17:42 100bit Added Ruler as a member of The Flash Point Boys
2019-07-20 13:00:02 100bit Added links: https://www.pouet.net/groups.php?which=8848, http://csdb.dk/group/?id=2432
2019-07-20 12:59:50 100bit Added The Tricky Freak 1571 as a member of The Flash Point Boys