Edit history for The Lords

2025-02-09 16:50:14 Unlock Added link https://c64.ch/groups/779
2024-03-20 04:05:06 psenough Added The Guardian as a member of The Lords
2024-03-13 12:38:28 psenough Added Reverb as a member of The Lords
2023-12-29 15:50:46 psenough Added Neil D. Voss as a member of The Lords
2022-09-15 04:30:48 menace Added BBS Krak Houz as HQ for The Lords
2021-11-23 17:55:49 100bit Removed The Lords's affiliation with PAGAN: A New Chapter
2021-11-23 17:55:43 100bit Added BBS PAGAN: A New Chapter as Distsite for The Lords
2019-09-08 16:24:16 ltk_tscc Added links: https://www.pouet.net/groups.php?which=7752, http://csdb.dk/group/?id=959
2019-09-08 16:23:44 ltk_tscc Edited nick 'The Lords': changed differentiator to 'c64/.us'
2019-09-08 16:23:35 ltk_tscc Added nick 'Lords'
2019-09-08 16:23:26 ltk_tscc Added group 'The Lords'