Edit history for UnderZone Industries

2025-01-23 20:58:03 ipggi Added BBS Underground as Distsite for UnderZone Industries
2024-06-13 23:26:58 psenough Added Bionic Force as a subgroup of UnderZone Industries
2021-03-23 17:43:19 100bit Added Wild Bill as a member of UnderZone Industries
2021-03-23 17:41:50 100bit Added Commander Ironside as a member of UnderZone Industries
2021-03-22 07:51:40 100bit Added Eagle Electronics as a subgroup of UnderZone Industries
2020-09-13 21:10:14 menace Added Dr. Stein as a member of UnderZone Industries
2019-09-15 12:05:54 ltk_tscc Added links: https://www.pouet.net/groups.php?which=8584, http://csdb.dk/group/?id=1510
2019-09-15 12:05:33 ltk_tscc Added group 'UnderZone Industries'