ffIlluminatus #1 (30 june 1991) listed Surak, Captain Tom, bYtE, Wildcat, Hard Core, Fistandantilus, Dixie Flatline, Honus Wagner, Sixstring, Cyric and Alex Machine as members. Illuminatus #2 (31 july) revealed Fistandantilus had gone from the list since the end of june, while Sir Galliant, The Mad Scientist, Black Spyrit and Black Jack were additions. Illuminatus #3 (october 1991) came with a new list, showing Wildcat, Hard Core, Sixstring, Cyric, The Mad Scientist, Black Jack were no longer on the roster, while EmperoR, Pharoah, Beezlebub, The Eel, The Byter, Killer Beast, Fatal Error and Vigilante were new. Illuminatus #4 showed Captain Tom, Honus Wagner, Alexis Machine, Black Spyrit, EmperoR, Pharoah, Beezlebub, The Byter, Fatal Error and Vigilante were gone, while The Sheik, Briareos, Force Ten, Neuromancer, Mondoman, Alexis Machine, The Dictator and Coldsteel were new on staff.